In 2009, President Obama launched the “Race to the Top” initiative. He stated “I am issuing a challenge to our nation’s governors and school boards, principals and teachers, businesses and nonprofits, parents and students: if you set and enforce rigorous and challenging standards and assessments; if you put outstanding teachers at the front of the classroom; if your turn around failing schools- your state can win a Race to the Top grant that will not only help students outcompete workers around the world, but let them fulfill their God-given potential.” (Learning Module). He emphasized the importance of providing students with high quality education. It is crucial for the school district to find, attract, select, and keep the excellent teachers. The recruitment and selection procedures assist the district in checking and verifying the candidates’ qualification, such as credentials and references, background check, and TB test. The HR administrator prepares and presents the data of the rank ordering by scores obtained using the selection criteria of the interviewees. The scores provide the reference and base for the superintendent to select the best candidates who are most qualified (Rebore, 2015).
The school district hires the best possible classified candidates by the procedure of examination and ranking. The candidates who earn the highest score are hired. The best certificated candidates are selected through paper screening and call references.
In my opinion, the teacher candidate’s demo lesson is very helpful and important for the interview committee to assess the candidate’s teaching ability in the subject matter and grade level. The demo lesson in the classroom with students can demonstrate the candidate's mastery of the subject standards, classroom management, and methods to help students to learn with equity. It also provides the candidates to get the feel of teaching in the classroom at this school.
Hiring the best candidates is to provide schools with the most qualified, prepared, educated employees with the best understanding of the content. The hiring procedure identifies the candidates whose values align with the school and district mission, through interview questions and contacting references. The HR department recruits and retains the most qualified employees with the determination and drive to create a positive and effective 21st century learning environment for students. Teacher recruitment directly impacts student success. Nurturing, inspiring, and supporting student learning ultimately comes down to having skilled and dedicated educators leading classrooms.
2021. Learning Module. CUI Class material.
Rebore, R. W. 2015. Human Resources Administration in Education. Pearson.
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