Friday, February 25, 2022

冰墩墩雪容融课堂活动🏂 Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Class Activity


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Saturday, February 12, 2022

2022年北京冬奥会教学🏂 Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics learning activities

1. 介绍北京冬奥会吉祥物, 引导学生讨论, 鼓励学生画出吉祥物并配上吉祥话。

2. 介绍并引导学生讨论北京冬奥会开幕式二十四节气倒计时。

3. 介绍并引导学生讨论北京冬奥会开幕式中国文化、点燃火炬、高科技、烟火等巧思。

4. 引导学生讨论“破冰”的含义。

5. 鼓励学生认读雪花上的国家的名字。引导学生讨论雪花、中国结的含义。

6. 介绍北京冬奥会主题歌“一起向未来”。鼓励学生表演唱。

7. 介绍并引导学生讨论北京冬奥村的食堂。 

8. 介绍并引导学生讨论北京冬奥的人工智能等的高科技。 

9. 介绍冬奥会赛事、运动员、奖牌榜、天气等。比如: 介绍谷爱凌, 引导学生描述她的家  
    么, 如果学生是谷爱凌, 会选择效力哪个国家?引导学生讨论“体育归化”等现象。


10. 和学生分享谷爱凌纪录片, 请学生完成观后感Google Form问答题做深入探讨。
我的Google Form的问题👇仅供参考,老师们可以自行设计。如果需要我的Google Form表格, 请微信联系我。

1. 你觉得谷爱凌最优秀的特质是什么?What are the best qualities of Gu Ailing? 

2. 你从谷爱凌身上得到哪些启发?How does Gu Ailing inspire you?

3. 谷爱凌的哪些方面最打动你? What touches you the most from Gu Ailing's story?

4. 如果你是谷爱凌, 你会做出什么选择?If you were Gu Ailing, what decision would you make?

5. 谷爱凌的生活中有哪些挑战?What are the challenges in Gu Ailing's life? 

6. 谷爱凌是怎么应对挑战的? How did Gu Ailing conquer these challenges?

7. 你的生活中有哪些挑战?What are the challenges in your life?

8. 你是怎么应对挑战的?或你会怎么应对挑战?How did or would you conquer these challenges?

9.  你的源文化是什么?你觉得怎么样?你在家说什么语言? 你对自己拥有的多语言、多元文化的特点怎么看? What is your original culture? How do you feel about it? What languages do you speak at home? Are you proud of yourself that you know more than one language and culture?

10. 你想对谷爱凌、你自己、卜老师说些什么?What do you want to tell Gu Ailing? What do you want to tell yourself? What do you want to tell Bu laoshi?

加分题: 你有什么想补充的?Extra credit question: What are your additional opinions? 

欢迎您在下面的Comment里留下宝贵的建议和意见,恳请不吝赐教👍 也期待大家和我分享自己的教学资源, 让我们一同进步、一起向未来!👍

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Servant Leadership

       I attended the symposium “Servant Leadership” online on February 5th, 2022. Dr. Gauna gave us a speech about his life story “From Cleaner to Leader”. He shared his unique journey from a school custodian to the Superintendent. He addressed how principles of servant leadership have helped him become who he is today, and how they can help us.The concept of “servant leadership” challenged my understanding of the leadership. I learned the benefit of the servant leadership and how to become a servant leader.

What does "servant leadership" mean?

       The phrase “servant leadership” came from Robert K. Greenleaf (1978)’s essay “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” Dr. Gauna shared his inspirational life story of how he became a superintendent from a campus monitor and custodian. He emphasized the importance of being humble as a leader. He quoted from John Maxwell: “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.” However, in my culture, leaders have the authority to lead the followers. It is an eye-opening experience for me to think and act in a totally different way.  Servant leaders are a revolutionary bunch—they take the traditional power leadership model and turn it completely upside down (Tarallo, 2018). This made me reflect on how the principal empowers me to serve the WASC group in my school instead of commanding me to do things. When looking back at my community of practice, I learned to co-facilitate the group instead of telling my teammates what to do. This is a great practice to be an effective future administrator. From my experience, I agree with Dr. Gauna’s argument “to be a servant leader” by listening to the needs from staff, students, parents, and stakeholders.

What are the two types of leaders?

       Greenleaf (1978) described two types of leaders: servant first and leader-first. A person who is leader first chases the personal power and gains. Meanwhile, the servant first leader puts other people’s success first. Dr. Gauna provided several Biblical references of servant leader, for instance, John 13, verse 1 states: Jesus’s basic motivation was His love for his followers. John 13, verse 5 to 12: Jesus voluntarily becomes a servant to His followers. I agree with Dr. Gauna that Jesus is our role model of putting others before oneself and committing to help others be successful. This guided me to ponder what I should do to become a servant leader.

How should I become a servant leader?

       Firstly, I need to learn active listening skills. Dr. Gauna mentioned the servant leader must be deeply committed to listening to others and listening to one’s inner voice. Reflecting on what is heard is critical. In order to serve the staff, students, and parents, I need to know their needs by listening to their verbal or non-verbal cues to identify the areas that they need support. I will pay full attention to what they express, understand what they say, ask questions, reflect on their speaking, and respond to them. l. I believe when I am an attentive listener, it shows my respect to the speaker. It may help to create a mutually respectful environment. I anticipate the active listening skill can bring a positive impact to my leadership.

       Secondly, I should develop empathy as a future administrator. Dr. Gauna stated the servant leader strives to understand other people and empathize with others. I have been thinking an empathetic leader gives people a weak impression. However, Dr. Gauna argued that the ability to empathize is a powerful skill with the example of Mother Teresa who cared for and helped a lot of poor people. She showed great empathy to socially disadvantaged groups, founded Missionaries of Charity in India, and dedicated her life to improving others’ lives. She showed me how gentle empathy can powerfully help others. How should I be an empathic leader? For example, how to react to the staff who are absent to the staff  meeting. Instead of warning them with the contract regulations, I would ask how I can help them sincerely and email them the agenda and summary of the meeting. I think this can foster a caring and comfortable working environment.

       Thirdly, Dr. Gauna mentioned the servant leadership skill of healing “healing oneself and relationships that need work and creating an environment where healing can occur for those they come in contact with.”  Khan (2017) states that "healing is the quality of being able to resolve issues and conflict. Servant leadership requires you to have healing qualities. This must first be applied to yourself before it can be applied to your followers.”  We need such leaders not only because we are in a global pandemic, but also because we continue to face crises that have harmed our academic institutions and people we serve (Caño, 2021). Now I realized the essence of healing in building servant leadership is to help others to solve problems and help them to be better. In addition, I also need to learn more is about how to develop other people as a future administrator. I need to spend time getting to know each staff member, student, parent,  and allocate time and resources to help them grow. Gomez (2021) suggests tools like organizational training,  development programs, and growth and transformation coaching can help.


       Even though the concept of servant leadership challenges my traditional understanding of being a leader, I learned some benefits of it: since the servant leader cares about the group, each individual is motivated to contribute the best to the team in a caring environment. The servant leader’s collaborative decision-making encourages teammates’ engagement. The group is more productive when each team member’s perspective is valued. I am willing to learn how to be committed to serving others with humility, sincere concern, a generous, forgiving, and giving heart. I am willing to relate to others and sacrifice personally for the well-being of others, and I am willing to constantly work on their beliefs, thoughts, and servant leadership skills. I will keep Dr. Gauna’s saying “There is nothing more powerful than a humble person with a warrior spirit who is driven by a bigger purpose.” continue to inspire me in the journey of becoming a servant leader.



Caño, A. (2021). Today's Academic Leaders Must Be Healers. Inside Higher Ed. 

Gomez, A.l. (2021). What are the pros and cons of servant leadership?   

Greenleaf, R.K. (1970). The Servant as Leader. Westfield, IN: The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership.

Khan, A. (2017). The Ten Tenets of a Servant Leader.

Tarallo, M. (2018). The Art of Servant Leadership.

Here are some videos about servant leadership:

1. Servant Leadership! How to become a good servant leader? Is Servant Leadership the right choice?

2. Servant Leadership, Cedarville University

3. Servant leadership : How to lead with the heart ?  Liz Theophille , TEDxSaclay

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