At the end of the semester, having students to answer some questions of summarizing their learning in the past is helpful for them to see their strengths and areas that need to improve, express their opinions of learning Chinese, and communicating with the teacher.
通常我用Google Forms制作出期末总结问答题的调查问卷。以下是我常问到的题目。学生的回答常会给老师带来意想不到的惊喜、或给老师机会更加了解他们、或帮助老师看到教学上的优缺点。这样的沟通非常难得与珍贵👍
Usually I create the survey questions by Google Forms. The followings are the questions I often ask. Students' answers might surprise us a lot, allow us to get to know about them more, and provide the opportunity for us to reflect on our strengths and areas that need to improve in teaching. This chance of communicating is significantly crucial, essential, and valuable.
1. 你想给开学前的自己写些什么建议?✍ Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of the school year, what advice would you give your younger self?
2. 这个学年你的什么成就最让你感到骄傲?🏆 What is something you accomplished in our class this year that you are proud of?
3. 这个学年咱们班谁做的什么事最打动你?👍 What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?
4. 你打算做哪三件事提高自己的中文学习水平和成绩? 👍 What are the three things would you do to improve your Chinese learning and grade?
5. 你有没交的作业吗?如果有,有多少?为什么?✍ Do you have missing assignments? If yes, how many? What are the reasons for you have missing assignments?
6. 十分满分, 你会给自己的学习成果打几分?为什么?✨Out of 10, how you rate your own academic performance? Why?
7. 中文什么最容易学?为什么?😀 What is the easiest part of Chinese language? Why?
8. 中文什么最难学?为什么?😕 What is the most difficult part of Chinese language? Why?
9. 十分满分, 你会给你的中文老师打几分?为什么?🎉Out of 10, how would you rate your Chinese teacher overall? Why?
10. 你最想对你的中文老师说的三句话是什么?😄 What are the top three things would you like to tell your Chinese teacher?