Friday, December 23, 2022

文字云🌥Mentimeter's Word Clouds

Mentimeter的多功能, 例如: 文稿演示、调查问卷、小测验、文字云等, 可以很有效的增加学生的参与。以下的例子是我请学生在Mentimeter的文字云里给我的评语, 汉字或英文或西班牙文都可以。学生们的反馈让我很感动、很欣慰💖 之后是如何创建Mentimeter 文字云的视频。欢迎大家分享自己是如何利用字云及其他功能增强学生互动的👍谢谢大家!

The multiple functions of Mentimenter, such as presentations, interactive Polls, Quizzes, and Word Clouds increasingly engage students. The following example shows how do my students think about me. They were allowed to answer it in Chinese character or English or Spanish. Their feedback warmed my heart and made me feel very rewarding💖 Attached are some tutorial videos of how to create Mentimeter Word Clouds.  Please feel free to share how do you use Mentimeter to interact with students or audience👍Thank you!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

学生参与分数自测 Students' Participation Self-Evaluation

邀请学生给自己在整个学期里的课堂参与评分可以充分调动他们的积极性!👍 这个过程可以正面刺激学生的主观能动性、阅读并熟悉评分标准、变被动为主动等等。实际证明大部分学生可以客观、公平、公正地按照评分标准给自己的参与表现打出分数、说明理由。👍 老师可以参考学生的自测分数、考虑他们的理由,给出成绩。在阅读学生的阐述时很多时候会了解到平时不知道的事情, 比如:经常迟到的学生是不想迟到的, 但是上一堂课在校园的另一侧。老师们要多体谅学生💗多和学生沟通如了解他们需要什么帮助💖

Involving students in the assessment of their participation through the semester can motivate them positively. This process can trigger their autonomy, become familiar with the assessment rubrics, and transfer from being passively to actively assessed. The reality shows most students are able to objectively and fairly evaluate themselves according to the rubrics and explain the reasons. Teachers could consider students' self-evaluation score with reasons and finalize the score. When reading students' comments, teachers may gain surprisingly information, for example, a frequently tardy student explained that he wanted to be on time, but his earlier class was across the entire campus. Teachers should have empathy to students and communicate with students to know what support do they need💖

 1. 在谷歌教室里建立一项作业,编号为此项作业在本学期的排序号码, 起名为“参与”, 设置好截止日期。
1. Set an Assignment in Google Classroom. Number each assignment to keep track. Name the Assignment. Set up the due date. 

2. Fill in the Rubric with the instructions and score.

3. 请学生阅读评分标准细则, 给自己打分,用评分标准的语言说明理由。
3. Have students review the rubric and instructions and do a self-evaluation. Explain the reason with the Rubric langauge.

4. 告诉学生我会考虑他们给自己打的分数和理由,最终分数由我来打出。
4. Tell students I will consider their score and reason before finalizing the score. 

5. 在评语里给学生写一些鼓励的话。💖
5. Provide students inspiring comments. 

The followings are three examples. 

请大家多多指教!👍 谢谢大家!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Apps and Young Users: Warnings and Safeguards🔐

    Collaboration and communication apps have become ubiquitous  in everyday functioning, but there can be risks and benefits to using these web-based tools, especially for children and teens. Few would question that the Internet substantially influences children and teenagers, yet children and teens often lack the self-regulation skills needed for decision-making in the complex digital world. Applications on a smartphone can easily pull children into the digital world where cyberbullying and the constant availability of sexual content represent a potential source of stress for children. Apps historically noted as potentially dangerous for children and teens include Snapchat, Whisper, Blendr, and WhatsApp. An unfortunate reality exists where new apps are continually being developed to look harmless and to mask the more dangerous apps in use by young people. Careful oversight and monitoring by more knowledgeable parents and adults are increasingly important. The ability to block inappropriate apps and content is essential for schools, teachers, and parents.

       The goals of my presentation include:

1.     Inform parents of what is happening in the complicated digital world where children are concerned.

      2. Demonstrate the types of challenges children are facing with actual recent news stories.

      3. Express the importance of parental monitoring.

   4. Equip parents with tools they can use for decision-making and monitoring.

       You may view my slides by clicking Apps and Young Users: Warnings and Safeguards 

       The following video shows the some effective parental control apps.          

Friday, December 16, 2022

学期感想问答题✍ Semester Reflection Questions


At the end of the semester, having students to answer some questions of summarizing their learning in the past is helpful for them to see their strengths and areas that need to improve, express their opinions of learning Chinese, and communicating with the teacher. 

通常我用Google Forms制作出期末总结问答题的调查问卷。以下是我常问到的题目。学生的回答常会给老师带来意想不到的惊喜、或给老师机会更加了解他们、或帮助老师看到教学上的优缺点。这样的沟通非常难得与珍贵👍

Usually I create the survey questions by Google Forms. The followings are the questions I often ask. Students' answers might surprise us a lot, allow us to get to know about them more, and provide the opportunity for us to reflect on our strengths and areas that need to improve in teaching. This chance of communicating is significantly crucial, essential, and valuable. 

1. 你想给开学前的自己写些什么建议?✍ Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of the school year, what advice would you give your younger self?

2. 这个学年你的什么成就最让你感到骄傲?🏆 What is something you accomplished in our class this year that you are proud of?

3. 这个学年咱们班谁做的什么事最打动你?👍 What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

4. 你打算做哪三件事提高自己的中文学习水平和成绩? 👍 What are the three things would you do to improve your Chinese learning and grade?

5. 你有没交的作业吗?如果有,有多少?为什么?✍ Do you have  missing assignments?  If yes, how many? What are the reasons for you have missing assignments?

6. 十分满分, 你会给自己的学习成果打几分?为什么?✨Out of 10, how you rate your own academic performance? Why?

7. 中文什么最容易学?为什么?😀 What is the easiest part of Chinese language? Why?  

8. 中文什么最难学?为什么?😕 What is the most difficult part of Chinese language? Why? 

9. 十分满分, 你会给你的中文老师打几分?为什么?🎉Out of 10, how would you rate your Chinese teacher overall? Why?

10. 你最想对你的中文老师说的三句话是什么?😄 What are the top three things would you like to tell your Chinese teacher?


Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Impact of Influencers 网红的抗压力👍

  Li Ziqi 李子柒 The first influencer I selected is Li Ziqi because she has a unique im...