邀请学生给自己在整个学期里的课堂参与评分可以充分调动他们的积极性!👍 这个过程可以正面刺激学生的主观能动性、阅读并熟悉评分标准、变被动为主动等等。实际证明大部分学生可以客观、公平、公正地按照评分标准给自己的参与表现打出分数、说明理由。👍 老师可以参考学生的自测分数、考虑他们的理由,给出成绩。在阅读学生的阐述时很多时候会了解到平时不知道的事情, 比如:经常迟到的学生是不想迟到的, 但是上一堂课在校园的另一侧。老师们要多体谅学生💗多和学生沟通如了解他们需要什么帮助💖
Involving students in the assessment of their participation through the semester can motivate them positively. This process can trigger their autonomy, become familiar with the assessment rubrics, and transfer from being passively to actively assessed. The reality shows most students are able to objectively and fairly evaluate themselves according to the rubrics and explain the reasons. Teachers could consider students' self-evaluation score with reasons and finalize the score. When reading students' comments, teachers may gain surprisingly information, for example, a frequently tardy student explained that he wanted to be on time, but his earlier class was across the entire campus. Teachers should have empathy to students and communicate with students to know what support do they need💖
1. Set an Assignment in Google Classroom. Number each assignment to keep track. Name the Assignment. Set up the due date.
2. Fill in the Rubric with the instructions and score.
3. 请学生阅读评分标准细则, 给自己打分,用评分标准的语言说明理由。
3. Have students review the rubric and instructions and do a self-evaluation. Explain the reason with the Rubric langauge.
4. 告诉学生我会考虑他们给自己打的分数和理由,最终分数由我来打出。
4. Tell students I will consider their score and reason before finalizing the score.
5. 在评语里给学生写一些鼓励的话。💖
5. Provide students inspiring comments.
The followings are three examples.
请大家多多指教!👍 谢谢大家!
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