Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The 21st Century Learning


What does 21st century learning look like? The focus on 21st Century learning skills has had an impact on education in the United States. Stakeholders are actively pursuing 21st Century learning outcomes for all students. Schools that have successfully managed to promote student learning focused on these skills have become models for those striving to make this shift. The 21st Century Framework provides the roadmap for districts and schools to follow while moving toward the desired outcome. Some districts that have successfully adopted the framework are identified in 21st Century Learning Exemplar Program

Twenty-first Century Leading Analysis

       The 21st Century Framework provides the roadmap for districts and schools to follow while moving toward the desired outcome. Some districts that have successfully adopted the framework are identified in the 21st Century Learning Exemplar Program

The Similarities of the Exemplar Schools 

       After viewing the case study of the 21st Century Learning exemplar schools, I found they all “equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for success in college, career and life. These case study briefs provide powerful insights to guide other school districts, schools, and programs so that every child can experience the best of 21st century learning experiences” (Battle for Kids). The two best practices, in my opinion, are in the areas of Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Environment. 

The Two Best Practices Areas of the Exemplar Schools

Curriculum and Instruction

Learning Environment

  1. “STEM is important because it teaches critical thinking skills and instills a passion for innovation. Beyond the benefit of learning science, technology, engineering, and math, STEM assists in the problem-solving and exploratory learning that fuel success across a variety of tasks and disciplines” (Barone, 2018). Exemplar schools address Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) instruction.
  • Saint Ambrose School (OH) partners with STEM Accelerated Coding, as part of their program funded by NASA, to design the optimal way to extract water from Mars to place into a robot harnessing solar energy. 
  • Vineyard STEM Magnet School (CA) With 87% of its student population qualifying free or reduced lunch, Vineyard believes high-quality STEM education should be accessible to all. Vineyard integrates all core content with STEM. Vineyard distributed leadership model helps accomplish this. Administrators and staff have equal roles in instructional decisions and implementing new school-wide initiatives and programs. A committee system encourages teachers to take leadership roles, form new Partnerships, and seize new opportunities to increase student access to STEM curriculum and programming. 
  1. “Growth mindsets of entrepreneurship are malleable, and encouraging a growth-oriented mindset facilitates students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy and persistence on classroom tasks when challenges arise” (Burnette, 2020, p.880). With a growth-mindset culture, exemplar schools aim to foster a conducive learning environment for all its students to develop into caring and thoughtful lifelong learners. 
  • In Moreno Valley High School (CA), all grades 9 and 10 students receive growth-mindset training at the beginning of the school year to set positive intentions. 
  • Santiago Charter Middle School (CA) students participated in a Kindness Week Challenge in fall of 2017. Receiving a daily Challenge in their morning advisory period, students Completed more than 3,000 acts of kindness over the course of five days. Students who completed all five kindness challenges had the opportunity to wear their favorite sports jersey and join “Team Kindness.”
  • Through an integrated, school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program, Canyon Crest Elementary School (CA) provides weekly social skills and growth mindset lessons.

2.              “Career preparation involving parent and teacher support could positively affect high school students' academic performance and self-efficacy in planning” (Perry et al., 2010, p.7). Exemplar schools provide students with the opportunities of career readiness. 

  • Located near the campus of Elon University, Elon Elementary (NC) has established a mutually beneficial  relationship with its higher education neighbor. Not only does Elon Elementary expose its students to the 

          collegiate culture through field trips

            and tours, it also partners with various 

            professors and departments on campus 

            to provide behind-the-scenes looks at

            various career and technical fields  

            that might spark interest in future 

            career paths.

  • Moreno Valley High School (CA) students have the option to participate in a summer internship. With local business, students gain work experience and develop on-the-job skill sets that will serve them throughout their lifetime. Students receive a paid stipend and instruction on resume building, interviewing, and business writing. 
  • One way that Saint Ambrose  School (OH) promotes career readiness is through the Milan Monthly Leadership Series. This program features monthly lunch conversations with successful community, business, and government leaders with the goal of ensuring grade 8 students depart Saint Ambrose School fully prepared to tackle high school and beyond. There is a faith-based component to the series, and invited guests are frequently selected not only for their business and leadership acumen but their virtue and character as well.

2.  Western Governors University defines “a learning environment is more than just a      classroom—it’s a space in which students feel safe and supported in their pursuit of       knowledge, as well as inspired by their      surroundings” (2020, para.1). Exemplar      schools make efforts to create and maintain a positive learning environment, physically,  psychologically, and emotionally. 

  • Immediately evident when you enter the building, social and emotional learning supports permeate the school culture at The Goddard School Located in Simpsonville (SC). 
  • EVSC New Tech Institute (IN) focuses on the whole child. With extensive opportunities for collaboration and clear schoolwide learning outcomes, New Tech Institute fosters a welcoming close knit environment where students can grow and thrive. With increased agency and embedded citizenship practices, students actively engage in conflict resolution, look for opportunities to mentor and collaborate with others, and promote a positive learning environment.
  • At Saint Ambrose School (OH), compassion for others is hard-wired into the framework. There are several behavioral growth programs, such as the student-led anti-bullying ministry and the school-wide student mental health training on anxiety and depression

surrounding social media. These programs have received special emphasis in the last year to combat stress and ensure students have a safe, caring environment that promotes rather

than inhibits learning.

3.              “While the complexity of these challenges requires multifaceted solutions, evidence is rich that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) can be one impactful school-based solution, if implemented effectively” (Lee & Zuilkowski, 2021, p.889). Going above and beyond, exemplar schools exemplify whole-child learning, seeking unique pathways to meet the social, emotional, and developmental needs for all students. 

  • Saint Ambrose School (Brunswick, OH) has a strong focus on social, emotional, and behavioral growth for all students.
  • At the Goddard School Located in Simpsonville (SC), the social-emotional curriculum that highlights the essential components of a healthy friendship: respect, empathy, sharing, compassion, love, acceptance, and kindness, is implemented successfully. 

 3. “What makes an inclusive learning environment different from the previous mainstreaming is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every learner, whether it is those who learn at a slower rate or those gifted students who      benefit from enrichment activities”(Hance, 2021, para.3). Exemplar schools provide students with a inclusive learning environment that motivate them to meet their potential and transition successfully into the next phase of their academic journey. 

  • Henry Ford Academy: Alameda School for Art + Design (TX) takes great care to foster a warm and supportive whole-child learning environment that enables each student to realize their full potential, with every detail of the facilities tailored to support art, innovation, and design.
  • One of the greatest strengths of Kensington Elementary School (NC) is the warm, welcoming, and inclusive learning environment with infectious energy and enthusiasm for the community.
You may use 21st Century Learning Readiness Assessment to evaluate your school or district's readiness for the 21st Century Learning. What would you recommend be done to improve the situation?


21st Century Learning Readiness Assessment.

Anonymous. (2022). Why consistency is important in leadership. MorningCoach.

Anonymous. 21st Century Learning Exemplar Program. Battle for Kids.    

Barone, R. (2018). Why is STEM important? Why do we keep talking about it? iD Tech.

Burnette, J. L., Pollack, J. M., Forsyth, R. B., Hoyt, C. L., Babij, A. D., Thomas, F. N., & Coy, 

       A. E. (2020). A Growth Mindset Intervention: Enhancing Students’ Entrepreneurial   

       Self-Efficacy and Career Development. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(5), 


Fresno Pacific University. (2018). What is global awareness and why does it matter?   

Hance, M. (2020). What is an Inclusive Learning Environment? Graduate programs for 


Jones, L. (2015). Student-centered classroom. Cambridge university press. 

Lee, J., Zuilkowski, S. (2021). “I can teach what’s in the book”: Understanding the why and 

       how behind teachers’ implementation of a social-emotional learning (SEL) focused 

       curriculum in rural Malawi. Educational Psychology, 92(3), 974-993.

Perry, J. C., Liu, X., Pabian, Y. (2010). School engagement as a mediator of academic  

      performance among urban youth: The role of career preparation, parental career support, 

       and teacher support. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(2), 269-295.   

Sudderth, A. (2022). How Schools Can Engage Community Partners. XQ Rethink together. 

Western Governors University. (2020). 3 Types of Learning Environments. Teaching and 


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