Monday, July 3, 2023

The Impact of Influencers 网红的抗压力👍


Li Ziqi 李子柒

The first influencer I selected is Li Ziqi because she has a unique impact on social media through her vlogs that showcase Chinese rural life and traditional food. Her videos are not only visually stunning but also provide valuable insights into Chinese culture and traditions (Whyke et al., 2022). She grew up in a rural village in Sichuan, China, where she experienced poverty and the loss of her parents at a young age. As a result, she had to take on various jobs to support herself and her grandparents. Despite facing tremendous hardships in her life, she displayed a strong ability to cope with conflicts. She chose to learn new skills and worked in the city to support her grandmother, showcasing her courage and intelligence (Liang, 2021). She found resilience in traditional skills passed down through generations and turned to creating videos to display her talents, which eventually gained popularity worldwide. She handled her hardships by leveraging her creativity, determination, and skills to not only overcome her challenges but also inspire and uplift others through her experience. Her personal journey resonates with many viewers, inspiring them to overcome obstacles and pursue their passions. Her influence and respect within the social media community are evident from her large following. With 17.5 million subscribers on YouTube and 26 million followers on Weibo, she has positively impacted the audience (Whyke et al., 2022). You may follow her YouTube channel, and her WeiBo

Li Ziqi has a positive impact on my personal life. As an immigrant living in the United States, her videos evoke a sense of nostalgia and remind me of my own childhood and the cultural traditions I grew up with. Watching her cooking with fresh ingredients and traditional techniques take a lot of overseas Chinese people back to the flavors of China (Liang, 2021). Her dedication to preserving and sharing Chinese culture has inspired me to appreciate the beauty of my heritage. In my professional life, her approach to conflict resolution has taught me the importance of perseverance and creativity. By showcasing her ability to adapt to challenging circumstances and find innovative solutions, she has encouraged me to approach conflicts with a proactive and open mindset. Her emphasis on craftsmanship and attention to detail has also influenced my work ethic, reminding me of the importance of taking pride in the quality of my work.  

Li Jiaqi 李佳琦

Another influencer I selected is Li Jiaqi because of his impact in the beauty industry. He started his career as a shop assistant for L'Oréal in China and later ventured into streaming on Taobao, a popular online shopping platform (Bellucci, 2022). As a social media beauty influencer, he gained popularity by trying and describing various lipsticks during his live streaming sessions. Despite facing criticism and bias as a male beauty influencer, he chose to resolve conflicts by deepening his product knowledge and enhancing his skills in describing the benefits of the beauty products he introduced. Instead of quitting under pressure, he persevered and earned the respect of his audience through his dedication and expertise (Bellucci, 2022). His influence and respect within the beauty community can be seen through his large following and the impact he has had on consumer behavior. His ability to respectfully share different perspectives on beauty, including how men interpret beauty, has helped him connect with a wide range of audiences. By empowering women to accept themselves, build confidence, and choose appropriate cosmetic products, he has become a trusted figure in the beauty industry (Bellucci, 2022). His approach to conflict resolution is centered around knowledge, dedication, and respectful communication. By continuously expanding his expertise and engaging with his audience, he was able to overcome biases and gain respect in the beauty industry. His ability to navigate conflicts by offering different perspectives and empowering individuals aligns with the principles of conflict resolution, promoting understanding and acceptance. If you are interested in following him, his WeiBo is, and his DouYin, which is the Chinese version of TikTok, is 166902759.

Li Jiaqi influenced me on my perception of beauty and self-confidence. His emphasis on embracing one's unique features and choosing makeup styles that suit individual preferences and occasions has taught me to appreciate my own beauty and feel confident in my choices. Additionally, his dedication and pursuit of knowledge inspire me to continually learn and improve in my own professional endeavors.

 In my professional journey, I faced gender discrimination when I encountered an interviewer who held the belief that women cannot be effective leaders. Consequently, I was denied a leadership position that I deserved. However, I witnessed Li Jiaqi's success as a male influencer in the female-dominated beauty industry shattered the gender biases that many people held. His inspiring story has encouraged me to persevere in my pursuit of leadership positions and strive to become an exceptional education leader in the male-dominated leadership field.

Bellucci, M. (2022). Li Jiaqi: the live-steaming king in China. Long Advisory.
Liang, L. (2021). Consuming the pastoral desire Li Ziqi, food vlogging, and the structure of 
     feeling in the era of microcelebrity. Research Articles, 1(2), 7-39.
Whyke, T.W., Chen, Z.T. & Lopez-Mugica, J. (2022). An analysis of cultural dissemination 
      and national image construction in Chinese influencer Li Ziqi’s vlogs and its impact on   
      international viewer perceptions on YouTube. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 9(14), 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Saturday, January 21, 2023



      I had learned about the SMART goal but did not use it explicitly in my classroom because I thought it counts to think about in my head. Now I am going to make a SMART goal with the guided questions as followed:

  1. Specific: What will the goal accomplish? How and why will it be accomplished?

The goal is for my Chinese IB class students to pass the Speaking Assessment. 

This goal can be accomplished by providing students with the opportunities to practice speaking according to the IB requirements, instructions, and rubrics. The reason to accomplish this goal is that the Speaking Assessment is part of the Chinese IB exams. 

2.              Measurable. How will you measure whether or not the goal has been reached?

I will measure whether or not the goal has been reached through formative assessment during instruction and summative assessments in the final assessment. There are three parts in the assessment: Presentation of the visual stimulus (1-2 minutes), Follow-up discussion (2-3 minutes), and General discussion (2-3 minutes). The assessment criteria include: Language, Message, and Interactive Skills.  

3.              Achievable. Is it possible? Have others done it successfully? Do you have the necessary knowledgeable, skills, abilities, and resources to accomplish the goal? Will meeting the goal challenging you without defeating you?

Yes, it is possible. I have been teaching Chinese IB class for over seven years and attending various workshops. I have the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to accomplish this goal. Meeting this goal demands diligence and dedication from myself and students. The first challenge is that my students are all from Hispanic language and cultural background without a Chinese environment at home. Second, they had one year of remote learning Chinese due to the pandemic which slows down the learning and curriculum pace. Last but not least, they are seniors who are busy with multiple activities. Even though meeting this goal will challenge us, nothing will defeat us because we have a positive mindset and we take actions to achieve success. 

4.              Relevant. What is the reason, purpose, or benefit of accomplishing the goal? What is the result of the goal?

The Chinese IB exam is composed of Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing assessments. The first part is Speaking. The benefits of accomplishing this goal include increasing students’ Chinese speaking proficiency, strengthening their confidence to communicate with Chinese speakers, and increasing multicultural awareness. According to IB Language ab initio guide (2021), IB learners are stove to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective” (p.1). Chinese IB Speaking Assessment allows students to be communicators, open-minded, and reflective when they compare and contrast cultural differences and similarities verbally. 

5.              Time-bound. What is the established completion date and does that completion date create a practice sense of urgency?

            The IB Speaking Assessment is on March 1st, 2023. Students have been practicing             according to the IB rubrics from October 2022 with the various topics such as health,               environment, and global issues. Even though more time is needed for the better preparation for speaking, the practice for other assessments of Listening, Reading, and Writing, which will be in May, also demand time.

        1 Timothy 1:5 states the goal of God’s command “is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith”. As Christians,  we should make efforts in fulfilling this goal daily.


Anonymous. n.d. SMART goals questionnaire.

International Baccalaureate Organization. (2021). IB Language ab initio guide.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Curriculum Evaluation and Development

  1. What is curriculum evaluation?

According to Glatthorn et al.(2019), “curriculum evaluation represents the summation of the written, the supported, the taught, the tested, and the learned curricula. Therefore, the process of evaluation is essentially the procedure for determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized by the program of curriculum and instruction” (p.329). 

  1. Why should educators evaluate curriculum? 

Curriculum evaluation helps teachers realize if their teaching covers the standards and meets administrators’ expectations. The feedback of the curriculum evaluation helps teachers find their strengths and needs in the curriculum development and teaching. The ultimate goal is to help students accomplish academic achievements. 

  1. What are some effective techniques used for curriculum evaluation? 

As a future administrator, I would consider implementing Stufflebeam’s Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model at my school site. The emphasis of CIPP on “decision making seems appropriate for administrators concerned with improving curricula. The detailed guidelines and forms created by the committee provide step-by-step guidance for users” (Glatthron et al., 2019, p.326). Context evaluation provides rationale for determining the objectives and sets up the expectation of the curriculum content, standards, and learning environment. It allows me to have the ongoing assessment of the strength and needs in the curriculum and determine the goals. Input evaluation assesses the ways of using resources and strategies to meet the objectives and goals. It guides me to learn and compare the approaches. Process evaluation investigates the areas that need to be improved. In this process, based on the data, I may discover the needs and the modification of the implementation. Products evaluation measures the outcomes which can be the test score, unit project, and more. I can assess if the outcome meets the goals.

  1. How do we measure student success?

Bartlett (2022) states that “ there are two key types of assessment that schools refer to: formative assessment and summative assessment” (p.1). She suggests measuring student success by involving students in learning from the beginning, during, to the end of the lesson through different activities and strategies. For example, Bell work, Odd one out, Envelope activities, and Exit ticket. 

The outcome of the summative assessment such as the Benchmark score, class grade, school testing data is one way to measure student academic achievement, however the formative assessment of ongoing teaching-learning interaction is another important way. “We must recognize that we cannot make the learning happen. We can only create opportunities that best allow that learning to take place” (Bartlett, 2022, p.5). “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Bible Gateway, 2011, Proverbs 18:15). Teachers should provide students a safe and productive learning environment and train students to be more prudent and wise. 

  1. Who should inform curriculum development?

The curriculum evaluation shows students’ strength and needs. In order to meet students’ needs, teachers adjust teaching methods and instructional techniques accordingly to provide support to students. Stakeholders such as administrators, teachers, teachers, parents, school instructional lead, and district curriculum lead should be involved in the development of curriculum.

  1. What do we mean when we say educators should assess for learning?

Bartlett (2022, p.2) lists the following ten aspects of educators should access for learning. “Assessment for learning:

  1. is part of effective learning 

  2. focuses on how students learn 

  3. is central to classroom practice

  4. is a key professional skill 

  5. is sensitive and constructive

  6. fosters motivation 

  7. promotes understanding of goals and criteria

  8. helps learners know how to improve

  9. develops the capacity for self-assessment 

  10. recognizes all educational achievement.”

The book of "Outstanding assessment for learning in the classroom" is highly recommended.👍 It demonstrates how assessment for learning can be used to enhance and support all aspects of the learning process. ✍


Bartlett, J. (2022). Outstanding assessment for learning in the classroom. Routledge. 

Glatthorn, A. A., Boschee, F., Whitehead, B. M., & Boschee, B. F. 

      (2019). Curriculum Leadership. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

New International Bible. (2011). New International Bible online. (Original work published 1973)

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Field Educational Technology

        According to Loyola University Maryland’s School of Education, “Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning” (para.1). 

       Colon (2020) summarizes how educational technology changed over time from mouth-to-mouth communication, writing on paper, using radio and video in teaching, to utilizing computers and various digital tools in education. The definition of the field of educational technology changed over time depends on what technology people had in the historical phase. However, no matter how advanced technology will be developed, some basic teaching and learning skills can not be completely replaced, such as person-to-person communication, reading, and writing. 

       One of the leading professional organizations in the field of educational technology is the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. It “develops national educational technology policy and establishes the vision for how technology can be used to transform teaching and learning and how to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible for early learners through K-12, higher education, and adult education" (the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, para.1).

      From what I heard and the webpage of Technology and Innovation of my school district, there are various careers held and tasks performed by educational technologists, such as 

  • Coding class teacher
  • Computer science instructor 
  • Media specialist 
  • Digital coach 
  • Network specialist 
  • Student data technician 
  • Data analyst 
  • Digital learning coach 
  • Network engineer 
  • Director of technology department

       One of the influential educational technologists who is the Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Innovation in my school district. He is also one of the directors of California Association of Asian and Pacific Leaders in Education.  Some of his achievements in educational technology include but not limited: he has been responsible for setting the vision and course for my district’s Digital Equity Roadmap and providing leadership and expertise regarding digital learning and information technology systems

  • Helped implement one-to-one Chromebook to students  digital equity
  • Established a Technology Playbook which include short and long term technology plan 
  • Created Zero Trust Architecture and Framework
  • Trained staff Cloud Computing Solutions
  • Trained stakeholders Cybersecurity
  • Provided portal tools for parents to involve with school activities 
  • Initiated conversation with city manager to offer secure internet access and fiber to the city
  • Built and maintains strong connection with Industry and Community Partnerships
  • Created close relationship with the Internet Service Providers
  • Monitors Infrastructure in each school site and district

       The Department of Technology and Innovation in my school district has been making great efforts in promoting digital equity, offer training to stakeholders, and provide technical support when needed. Personally, when I asked the head of the Technology and Innovation Department about the Google Certificated Educator, he immediately encouraged me to earn it and emailed me the resources for preparing for its exams. With his support, I became a Level Two Google Certificated Educator. As an educational technologist, his positive impact to our community, district, schools, and me is transformational!

       Here is the inspirational podcast interview with his Bridging the Digital Divide (👈Click this link to hear this interview.)


Anonymous. (2021). Loyola University Maryland’s School of Education. What is educational  

       technology and why is it important?

Colon, F. (2020). The evolution of educational technology.           

 The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. What we do.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

2023年春节活动🐇Chinese New Year Activities


1. 兔年手工,做一个漂亮的小兔子吧!Year of the Rabbit, be a beautiful little rabbit

2. 兔年简单新年手工 | Year of Rabbit Easy CNY DIY ideas 

3. 賀年摺紙| DIY Chinese New Year Red Packet ORIGAMI RABBIT

4. Lunar New Year for Kids | Educational Video

5. Chinese New Year 2023 | What is the Chinese New Year? | How to Celebrate it? & Story of Nian

6. 年的故事

7. 春节是中国人一年中最盛大的节日。澳洲中文电台。

9. 十个中国新年线上+线下教学活动 

10. 自制日历的123种做法

11. 《过年》 剪纸动画短片 (中文版)

12. 【En Sub】Learn Chinese New Year in Chinese Mandarin, Mr. Sun Mandarin

14. 抖音 兔年手工集锦 (👈请点击此链接)

15.  抖音 兔年歌舞💃🎵 (👈请点击此链接)

16. 兔年PPT  (👈请点击此链接)

17. 5 EASY CNY DIY DECORATIONS (UNDER $5) | DIY Red packet lanterns, wall fan, firecrackers & flowers

18. 新年大吉DIY | 新年柑橘手作

19. 手把手教你DIY新年装饰红包灯笼
20. 中国结

希望以上分享的视频对您有所帮助!欢迎您在下面的Comment里留言或微信我您的想法。👏 也期待您和我分享您的春节活动或喜欢的视频!👍

The Impact of Influencers 网红的抗压力👍

  Li Ziqi 李子柒 The first influencer I selected is Li Ziqi because she has a unique im...