What is curriculum evaluation?
According to Glatthorn et al.(2019), “curriculum evaluation represents the summation of the written, the supported, the taught, the tested, and the learned curricula. Therefore, the process of evaluation is essentially the procedure for determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized by the program of curriculum and instruction” (p.329).
Why should educators evaluate curriculum?
Curriculum evaluation helps teachers realize if their teaching covers the standards and meets administrators’ expectations. The feedback of the curriculum evaluation helps teachers find their strengths and needs in the curriculum development and teaching. The ultimate goal is to help students accomplish academic achievements.
What are some effective techniques used for curriculum evaluation?
As a future administrator, I would consider implementing Stufflebeam’s Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model at my school site. The emphasis of CIPP on “decision making seems appropriate for administrators concerned with improving curricula. The detailed guidelines and forms created by the committee provide step-by-step guidance for users” (Glatthron et al., 2019, p.326). Context evaluation provides rationale for determining the objectives and sets up the expectation of the curriculum content, standards, and learning environment. It allows me to have the ongoing assessment of the strength and needs in the curriculum and determine the goals. Input evaluation assesses the ways of using resources and strategies to meet the objectives and goals. It guides me to learn and compare the approaches. Process evaluation investigates the areas that need to be improved. In this process, based on the data, I may discover the needs and the modification of the implementation. Products evaluation measures the outcomes which can be the test score, unit project, and more. I can assess if the outcome meets the goals.
How do we measure student success?
Bartlett (2022) states that “ there are two key types of assessment that schools refer to: formative assessment and summative assessment” (p.1). She suggests measuring student success by involving students in learning from the beginning, during, to the end of the lesson through different activities and strategies. For example, Bell work, Odd one out, Envelope activities, and Exit ticket.
The outcome of the summative assessment such as the Benchmark score, class grade, school testing data is one way to measure student academic achievement, however the formative assessment of ongoing teaching-learning interaction is another important way. “We must recognize that we cannot make the learning happen. We can only create opportunities that best allow that learning to take place” (Bartlett, 2022, p.5). “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Bible Gateway, 2011, Proverbs 18:15). Teachers should provide students a safe and productive learning environment and train students to be more prudent and wise.
Who should inform curriculum development?
The curriculum evaluation shows students’ strength and needs. In order to meet students’ needs, teachers adjust teaching methods and instructional techniques accordingly to provide support to students. Stakeholders such as administrators, teachers, teachers, parents, school instructional lead, and district curriculum lead should be involved in the development of curriculum.
What do we mean when we say educators should assess for learning?
Bartlett (2022, p.2) lists the following ten aspects of educators should access for learning. “Assessment for learning:
is part of effective learning
focuses on how students learn
is central to classroom practice
is a key professional skill
is sensitive and constructive
fosters motivation
promotes understanding of goals and criteria
helps learners know how to improve
develops the capacity for self-assessment
recognizes all educational achievement.”
Bartlett, J. (2022). Outstanding assessment for learning in the classroom. Routledge.
Glatthorn, A. A., Boschee, F., Whitehead, B. M., & Boschee, B. F.
(2019). Curriculum Leadership. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
New International Bible. (2011). New International Bible online.
https://www.biblegateway.com/ (Original work published 1973)
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