Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Field Educational Technology

        According to Loyola University Maryland’s School of Education, “Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning” (para.1). 

       Colon (2020) summarizes how educational technology changed over time from mouth-to-mouth communication, writing on paper, using radio and video in teaching, to utilizing computers and various digital tools in education. The definition of the field of educational technology changed over time depends on what technology people had in the historical phase. However, no matter how advanced technology will be developed, some basic teaching and learning skills can not be completely replaced, such as person-to-person communication, reading, and writing. 

       One of the leading professional organizations in the field of educational technology is the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. It “develops national educational technology policy and establishes the vision for how technology can be used to transform teaching and learning and how to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible for early learners through K-12, higher education, and adult education" (the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, para.1).

      From what I heard and the webpage of Technology and Innovation of my school district, there are various careers held and tasks performed by educational technologists, such as 

  • Coding class teacher
  • Computer science instructor 
  • Media specialist 
  • Digital coach 
  • Network specialist 
  • Student data technician 
  • Data analyst 
  • Digital learning coach 
  • Network engineer 
  • Director of technology department

       One of the influential educational technologists who is the Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Innovation in my school district. He is also one of the directors of California Association of Asian and Pacific Leaders in Education.  Some of his achievements in educational technology include but not limited: he has been responsible for setting the vision and course for my district’s Digital Equity Roadmap and providing leadership and expertise regarding digital learning and information technology systems

  • Helped implement one-to-one Chromebook to students  digital equity
  • Established a Technology Playbook which include short and long term technology plan 
  • Created Zero Trust Architecture and Framework
  • Trained staff Cloud Computing Solutions
  • Trained stakeholders Cybersecurity
  • Provided portal tools for parents to involve with school activities 
  • Initiated conversation with city manager to offer secure internet access and fiber to the city
  • Built and maintains strong connection with Industry and Community Partnerships
  • Created close relationship with the Internet Service Providers
  • Monitors Infrastructure in each school site and district

       The Department of Technology and Innovation in my school district has been making great efforts in promoting digital equity, offer training to stakeholders, and provide technical support when needed. Personally, when I asked the head of the Technology and Innovation Department about the Google Certificated Educator, he immediately encouraged me to earn it and emailed me the resources for preparing for its exams. With his support, I became a Level Two Google Certificated Educator. As an educational technologist, his positive impact to our community, district, schools, and me is transformational!

       Here is the inspirational podcast interview with his Bridging the Digital Divide (👈Click this link to hear this interview.)


Anonymous. (2021). Loyola University Maryland’s School of Education. What is educational  

       technology and why is it important?

Colon, F. (2020). The evolution of educational technology.           

 The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. What we do.

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